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Tel: (346)409-2270 Fax: (281)506-7492
Tel: (832)831-4883 Fax: (346)319-2815
Tel: (832) 623-7347 Fax: (346) 223-0241
Tel: (281)206-7562 Fax: (832)391-8386

Help many women with symptoms of urinary incontinence by improving their ability to hold their urine and can be a very effective solution for women suffering from lichen sclerosis. After a few weeks, your own stem cells grow and regenerate, increase blood flow and rejuvenate healthier tissue in the clitoris and vaginal walls.
It also to increases sexual desire, natural lubrication and ability to have an orgasm.
(ES) Ayuda a muchas mujeres con síntomas de incontinencia urinaria al mejorar su capacidad para contener la orina y puede ser una solución muy efectiva para las mujeres que padecen esclerosis líquida. Después de unas pocas semanas, sus propias células madre crecen y se regeneran, aumentan el flujo sanguíneo y rejuvenecen los tejidos más sanos en el clítoris y las paredes vaginales.
También aumenta el deseo sexual, la lubricación natural y la capacidad de tener un orgasmo.

Who is a candidate for O-shot
Any healthy female looking to improve her intimate experience or one looking to improve urinary leaks is a candidate for O shot procedure.

Are O-Shot injections painful?
No, O shot injection is not painful. Injection site is numbed with topical anesthetic cream prior to procedure and most patients feel nothing at all during treatment.

How long does the O-Shot procedure take?
Total procedure takes about 30 min. Numbing cream will be applied and left in place for about 20 minutes to work and O shot injection takes about 10 min to perform.